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EasySocial App v5.3.1 release with language selection and EasySocial 2.0 support !

EasySocial App v5.3.1 release with language selection and EasySocial 2.0 support !

We are happy to announce the release of EasySocial App 5.3.1. The biggest of this release is that now the App works with EasySocial 2X. We have also added a feature to let users choose their language while logging in. In addition to these several bug fixes and minor ui/ux improvements have been made in this version.


Note that this app and API package only with with EasySocial 2x and won't work correctly with the 1x series. So please plan for doing an EasySocial 2x upgrade before you start with the app. Once you are ready, add a ticket to request an upgraded build on this package. Note that you need an active subscription to request updated builds. 

The ES App 5.3.1 needs the API package 1.8.7 package which is also now available for download.  


Like it and want one of your own ? Order a custom build today ! 

Read on for the complete changelog

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